Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.25.10 APK Android

Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.25.10 APK Android - To download game Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.25.10 APK Android for free in your android phone must been rooted for can play all games in this blog, all game in my blog is full version, and you will get file .Apk or .zip and .rar if you need data file for games, Downloading is very simple: select the desired file and click “Download Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.25.10 APK Android“ Just a few easy steps and you are enjoying Android game Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.25.10 APK Android

Hotel Dash Deluxe v1.25.10 APK Android

Get 4 fun-filled hotels plus 10 BONUS levels when you buy Hotel Dash Deluxe!

Get ready for hotel hilarity as you renovate and run hotels all over DinerTown! Cater to a variety of quirky guests, including pet lovers, fashionistas and clowns. Tap and slide to drop off room service, provide extra blankets, and more! Prompt service will score you extra points, but delay too long and your guests may check out early. Use your hard-earned tips to decorate and restore each hotel back to its original charm. Make a reservation for fun with Hotel Dash!

* Manage hotel mayhem
* Play time management with a vertical twist!
* Meet lovable customers, including pet lovers, businesswomen and fashionistas
* Renovate and run 5 themed hotels
* Deck out your hotels with more than 60 decor upgrades
* Enjoy hours of fast-paced fun with tons of challenging levels

To more information, Please visit Google Play

Version: 1.25.10
Size: 38.2 MB
Requires Android: 2.3.3 and up


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