Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy v1.32 APK + DATA Android

Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy v1.32 APK + DATA Android - To download game Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy v1.32 APK + DATA Android for free in  your android phone must been rooted for can play all games in this blog, all game in my blog is full version, and you will get file .Apk or .zip and .rar if you need data file for games, Downloading is very simple: select the desired file and click “Download Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy v1.32 APK + DATA AndroidJust a few easy steps and you are enjoying Android game Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy v1.32 APK + DATA Android

Oil Rush: 3D naval strategy v1.32 APK + DATA Android

 Oil Rush is a 3D naval strategy game that takes place in a world where nuclear war has melted the ice caps, changing the face of the planet forever. It features unique gameplay focused on group control and global-scale decisions. Plan several steps ahead, as every single swipe counts.
Get ready to command a naval war between furious armies striving for the last remaining supplies of oil. Smash through onrushing waves of enemies while experiencing a thrilling story of apocalypse, military technology, and never-ending battles!

If you are not sure that your device is supported you can try the free demo available in the market.  

To more information, Please visit Google Play

Version: 1.32
Size: 200 MB
Requires Android: 4.0 and up

Install apk, put data on SDcard/android/obb


Download from HUGEFILES: APK | DATA

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