Sine Mora v1.22 APK + DATA Android

Sine Mora v1.22 APK + DATA Android - To download game Sine Mora v1.22 APK + DATA Android  for free in your android phone must been rooted for can play all games in this blog, all game in my blog is full version, and you will get file .Apk or .zip and .rar if you need data file for games, Downloading is very simple: select the desired file and click “Download Sine Mora v1.22 APK + DATA Android “ Just a few easy steps and you are enjoying Android game Sine Mora v1.22 APK + DATA Android

Sine Mora v1.22 APK + DATA Android

Sine Mora is a horizontal shoot'em up that provides a unique take on challenge, where time is the ultimate factor. Mixing classic shooter sensibilities with contemporary presentation, Sine Mora is a gorgeous shoot'em up that offers a Story Mode that weaves an over-the-top tale and an Arcade Mode that provides deep, satisfying gameplay to challenge fans of the genre. With many ways to manipulate time, Sine Mora features over 50 weapon combinations to complete each beautiful stage that form fits to the player's skills with scaling difficulty. Soundtrack composed by Akira Yamaoka and featuring boss designs by Mahiro Maeda.

- Engrossing story integrated seamlessly into the action to elevate the user experience
- Unique, time extension based gameplay
- 7 beautifully crafted, diverse stages 

To more information, Please visit Google Play

Version: 1.22
Size: 285 MB
Requires Android: 2.3.3 and up

Install apk, put data on SDcard/android/obb


Download from HUGEFILES: APK | DATA 

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